The journey continues with the habit of persistence. President Calvin Coolidge said, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

Napoleon Hill said, “There are four steps are essential for success in all walks of life. There are four simple steps which lead to the habit of persistence.” One of the chapters in “Think and Grow Rich” is on Persistence (Chapter 9) and here are the key points.

4 steps that lead to the habit of persistence:

  • A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment.
  • A definite plan expressed in continuous action.
  • A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances.
  • A friendly (Mastermind) alliance with one or more persons who will encourage you to follow through with both plan and purpose.

So, the Master Key Experience is bringing all four of those steps together in the experience we have been on for the last few months.

With step 1, we have been refining our Definite Major Purpose until we could connect a burning or earnest desire with it. It had to activate our heart’s desires through connecting with our personal pivotal needs. Once refined, then we are reading it with enthusiasm a few times each day.

We also are reading the Self-Confidence Formula from “Think and Grow Rich”, the scrolls from The Greatest Salesman in the World and the Master Key daily to cement the concepts into our subconscious mind. We are utilizing the 7 learning patterns. (see week 7)

With step 2, we are doing 15-minute meditations, reading our index cards and doing  our daily actions and our service actions. We are looking at and listening to our different versions of our Definite Major Purpose as well.

With step 3, we are continuing with the 7-day mental diet (see week 8), cutting out or minimizing TV, reading the scrolls with this month being on persistence and being conscious of being the observer so we can keep our vibration in a loving place.

With step 4, we are masterminding with the Gal/Guy in the Glass and have found at least one other to form a Mastermind Alliance.

So, the four habits that lead to the habit of persistence are all encompassed in the Master Key Experience. It is very exciting to discover that the program had us developing the habit of persistence right from day one. Not only are these exercises designed to reach the subconscious and build the burn, they are interrupting the old blueprint. It is power packed.

Working on our inner world is translating into a wonderful outer world. We are not separate from nature, we are nature’s greatest miracle.

To your success.


Please view past posts to get full impact of this journey.

About the author 


Charlene is a Lifestyle and Leadership Mentor, facilitator, ontological coach, best selling author, and speaker. Her expertise in the areas of wellness, lifestyle counseling, holistic health and entrepreneurial coaching is the result of more than 45 years of study and practice.

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