The Master Key journey continues. This week we continued the seven-day mental diet. Emmet Fox wrote about The Seven Day Mental Diet back in 1935. He understood that our thoughts create our reality. Everything in our lives is entirely conditioned by our thoughts and feelings that we have entertained in the past and by the habitual tone of our past thinking.

Thought is a real causative force in our lives. The Law of Cause and Effect comes into play here. Thoughts are the cause and our environments are the effect. If we change our thoughts, then our conditions will change too. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Now the challenge here is that we are so close to our thoughts that it is difficult to apply the transformation. We must stand back and look at our thoughts objectively. This is going to take conscious control on our part and lots of practice. This is where the seven-day mental diet comes in.

We started a week ago now and this discipline is so strenuous as we must be totally conscious of every thought. The aim is to get through seven days without any negative thoughts.

Since we live in a very negative environment (just listen to the news), this diet has been a challenge. We are facing negativity every day especially if we listen or watch any media. Our job is to not to entertain any of it in our mind. We may be faced with negativity at work or at home as well. Once again, we may hear those ideas, but we don’t entertain them in our mind.

Then there is the ongoing dialogue that is running through our mind at any given moment. So, a negative thought is any thought of failure, disappointment, or trouble, sickness or accident, any thought of criticism, or jealousy, or condemnation of others. This also includes self condemnation or any self-effacing thoughts. Basically, any thought that is any kind of limitation or pessimistic thinking is not allowed.

Once we entertain a negative thought for more than seven seconds, we must start the seven-day mental diet all over again. The first goal is to get through one whole day without any negative thoughts. It takes conscious effort and discipline in order to do this. But the payoff at the end of this exercise is that we will experience extraordinary changes for the better and our future will be very encouraging.

Last week I did not get to my second day. I always had to start over. This week I am going pay heed to Lesson Eight of The Master Key. Haanel refers to substituting constructive thoughts for destructive thoughts and to form the habit of analyzing every thought.

So, I am going to be more conscious to apply the Law of Substitution. The Law of Substitution is – we cannot think about two things at the same time. If a negative thought enters our mind, we replace it with any fond memory or other pleasant thought. Or it can be an affirmation like, “I greet this day with love in my heart”.

I am also going to utilize another law of the mind – the Law of Practice. Practice makes perfect. The 5Ps – Perfect Practice Prevents Poor Performance. With practice of the correct things, we improve – on the other 6 Laws of the Mind. They are Law of Relaxation, Law of Forgiveness, Law of Dual Thought, Law of Subconscious, Law of Growth and the Law of Substitution I mentioned above.

I am determined this week to practice and substitute and get as close as I can to seven days in a row. If you want to join me, let me know.

To your success.


About the author 


Charlene is a Lifestyle and Leadership Mentor, facilitator, ontological coach, best selling author, and speaker. Her expertise in the areas of wellness, lifestyle counseling, holistic health and entrepreneurial coaching is the result of more than 45 years of study and practice.

  • Charlene,

    You are informative regarding Haanel. I am there with you for the 7 days in a row.

    I send you love and blessings for you and for you to pass on to others


  • Charlene, as usual, I really enjoyed your blog. Thank you for unpacking the 7 Day Mental Diet in an very clear way and sharing your thoughts on it. I am so glad that you are almost onto to completion of this diet!

  • Hi Charlene,
    I like the switching up of blog posts–that way we can meet others and share. I am struggling with aspects of content and it’s excellent to read how others interpret the content
    Thank you for your insights

  • Lots of good wisdom here. I am also learning a lot from the 7 day mental diet. It is definitely challenging, but certainly helps.

  • Great blog! Your explanations are very clear, thank you! Think of the impact on those around us with so many of us committed to this diet! 🙂

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