Wow, we are already in week fifteen of this amazing Master Key journey. One of the new tools that was introduced in week 13 was called NARC. It stands for Neurological Associative Reactive Conditioning, a way to change beliefs and behaviours. Since I have my Masters in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), I was familiar with the terms.

Basically, it is a technique where you link pain to your old beliefs and behaviours that are holding you back (the old blueprint). Conversely you link immediate pleasure with your new preferred behaviours. Essentially, we are utilizing the Law of Dual Thought. We can attach any feeling to a thought we want.

First what we have done in this Master Key journey is decide what we really want, our definite major purpose. This is important as we get what we focus on, so we need that new focus. We have control over our thoughts and with practice we can change the limiting ones with empowering thoughts.

Then we attached strong emotion to our definite major purpose so that it became our strong “why”.  Now linking enormous pleasure to the experience of attaining our definite major purpose will increase the momentum.

On the other hand, we can also ask, “what will it cost me not to change?”, and now link pain to all the reasons. Make the pain of not changing so real, so intense, so immediate that you cannot put off taking that action any longer. If that is not enough then focus on how it would affect your loved ones, your children or other people you care about. For many of us that is the stronger pull.

Another NLP technique is to “interrupt” limiting behaviours or beliefs. If you notice a behaviour that you would like to change, then think of some ways you can interrupt that belief or behaviour. The wilder and more outlandish it is, the better.

You need to implement immediately when you notice the limiting belief or behaviour with the crazy one. It must be something that will cause you lots of pain (i.e. makes you feel ashamed when you do it) so you don’t have to do it more than a few times to break that belief or behaviour.

Equally important is to create some new empowering habits which we have doing in the Master Key journey. We have taken control and created new habits instead of allowing the unconscious habits to take over.

Now NARC is a reminder to link pleasure to all the new habits. Reward yourself for every small improvement so that your nervous system will associate pleasure with change. Congratulate yourself for implementing every new habit. Positively reinforce every time you produce the behaviour you are looking for.

Utilizing the Law of Practice, we can condition the new behaviour so that it becomes a new habit. Have fun utilizing NARC with that process. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

To your success.


Stay tuned for more tools to make changes in your life.

Please view past posts to get full impact of this journey.

About the author 


Charlene is a Lifestyle and Leadership Mentor, facilitator, ontological coach, best selling author, and speaker. Her expertise in the areas of wellness, lifestyle counseling, holistic health and entrepreneurial coaching is the result of more than 45 years of study and practice.

  • Thanks Charlene for your words. You are very clear and precise in your recap of the weeks lesson. It is a valuable contribution to my journey.
    Moving forward every day.

  • Happy 2020,

    I hope you have a fabulous TRIP around the Sun.
    I am so glad and excited for your last 11 1/2 weeks of MKE. Hope you find the TRUTH in the Franklin Makeover, and creating for yourself a Journey to look forward to every minute of your life.

    SOOO Glad you posted.

    Isn’t this MKE amazing. Yes, It is difficult and challenging…but each requirement is for your benefit. If you don’t do it, it’s like leaving food on the table, or worse $$$ thrown in the garbage. Yesterday is gone. the Past is over…. can’t do anything about it….just proceed forward and into the future, and fully taking the present time, present moment, present energy to FULL ADVANTAGE.

    Also, if you do recap the Weekly blogs, it will only bring joy for the subby and remove more cement. (MKE language).

    Julie Standish

  • Yes we need to link pain to old behaviors and pleasure to new behaviors we want.
    Also good point about linking emotion to the DMP so it will become a strong why. The emotion makes a big difference.
    Great stuff.

  • Charlene, as usual, you have explained so clearly and with very practical ways to apply NARC in your blog. I am always amazed and blessed to read your blogs (even though kinds late in catching up) as it provides a clarity to many things. Thank you for all your great knowledge and wisdom shared weekly.

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